I know that nobody’s perfect, but this won’t stop me from hoping that someday, someone who’s perfect for me will come. Someone who can make my heart race, who can make me feel good and special, or can even make me annoyed at times. He will be my confidant, my best friend, and my inspiration. He will have that enduring patience to stand with my talkativeness, and he will not give me any reason to break my trust to him. Every time I’m with him, I will feel like I’m the luckiest girl on planet. We will be good together, and good for each other.

Someday, I will fall in love with the right person, at the right time, and for all the right reasons. And when that happens, I will not get caught up in him that I will forget all the little things I love about myself, like being jolly, outgoing, and crazy. He will help me achieve my little goals everyday (like to make people around me happy), and even support me in my grandest, craziest dream: to travel in South Korea and meet my K-pop idols! 😀

I may not run into the person I deserve anytime soon, but that’s okay; I have my whole life ahead of me. I’m not in a hurry. I know my own Mr. Perfect guy is out there, and he’s also looking for me. And when we do find each other, it will be real and wonderful and splendid and enchanting. And I will know for sure that the long wait — and maybe even the heart breaks that came with it — was totally worth it. 🙂

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